188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Distinguished Achievement in 会计 Education Award

概述: The 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Distinguished Achievement in 会计 Education Award recognizes full-time college accounting educators distinguished for excellence in teaching and for national prominence in the accounting profession. The award has a dual function: to extend profession-wide recognition to the recipient and promote role models in academia.

State CPA societies and individuals may submit nominations for the annual award.



  • Nominee is a current full-time or recently retired (within the past five years) accounting educator at a post-secondary educational institution, as demonstrated by his/her record of teaching.
  • Nominee is distinguished for excellence in classroom teaching, as demonstrated by summaries of student evaluations, 以前学生的来信, or notification of receipt of previous teaching awards.
  • Nominee is involved in curriculum development, as demonstrated by innovative teaching practices consistent with the broadening role of the CPA.
  • Nominee is contributing to the accounting profession, as demonstrated by his/her active involvement in professional activities such as leadership in national and/or state professional accounting organizations.
  • Nominee exemplifies the philosophy of the CPA Vision, as demonstrated by his/her commitment to life-long learning and the effective development of incoming professionals. The CPA Vision is defined as “enabling individuals to shape their accounting careers by communicating the total picture with clarity and objectivity, translating complex information into critical knowledge, anticipating and creating opportunities, and designing pathways that foster growth for and within the CPA profession.”
  • 被提名人是美国人.S. citizen or permanent resident (Green Card holder)
  • Nominee may not be a past award recipient.
  • Nominee may not be a current member of the 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Academic Executive Committee (AEC). 然而, if members were nominated prior to their appointment on the AEC, then their nomination will be considered



Submit a nomination using the online portal. Nominees who are not selected remain eligible for two additional years, if they meet the selection criteria. Past award recipients and current members of the 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Academic Executive Committee are not eligible to be nominated. 然而, if they were nominated prior to their appointment on the AEC, then their nomination will be considered.

The winner will receive an award, a certificate, and a monetary prize of $5,000. They will also be expected to attend the awards luncheon at the AAA Annual Meeting.

To learn more or to nominate an individual, click 在这里.